How to Get & Keep a Fuckbuddy?

There are certain people in our lives that we cannot do certain things with. For example, grandma visits only when you’re there, and you can’t go out with your step-mom to party. It’s not possible for the world to work this way. Know your boundaries and how you treat your fuck buddies.

What about fuck friends? What are the guidelines for a relationship with fuck buddies?

As with grandma there are many things you cannot do together. Although it may sound like your friend with benefits is a great person to hang out with, that’s not the case.

There are many things you and your friend can’t do together. Here are seven of them. These are the things you should avoid doing with your f buddy.

1. Post-romp Meal

You may want to eat a huge burrito after sex or a few burgers. You can do that, but it’s not a good idea. Eating out with your f friend is something you should do when you are dating. However, you don’t want your FWB arrangement to look like a real relationship.

It’s almost as if you are on a date when you grab food together. Your fuck friend won’t want anything to do with it. If they wanted to go out on a date with you, they would ask you out. You didn’t ask them to go on a date so have lots of sex until they decide to part ways. Share awkward greetings once in awhile.

Even though you might be hungry after sex you should wait until they leave before you go looking for something to eat.

2. There are no gifts

You should give your partner something to express your appreciation or simply because you want to. While it’s important to keep track of your bae’s birthdays and other important dates, you don’t have to know anything about your f friend.

If you’re having sex on a regular basis with your partner, that’s all you need. You don’t need to remember their birthdays or keep track of how many years you’ve been together sleeping. If you want to have sex with them, you can start dating.

3. Avoid Hanging Out

Don’t. Absolutely not. It is my intention.

The person with whom you were first hooking up isn’t going wonder why you are only having sex with him or her; they already know the nature of your relationship. You should be aware that he or she will only contact you when they have a lil something-something to do with you.

Don’t text your friend if your friend cancels at a concert. It may seem normal to do so, but if they/he sees that you’re asking for a date and are confused, it could be an indication that they don’t want what you’re offering. If you aren’t gonna “Netflix & Chill”, ask a friend to join you.

4. No talking

Communication is essential when you are with your friend. However, it can be easy to forget they aren’t your boyfriend or girlfriend, and start venting about your daily life. You are naked to them all the time.

You may feel a bit nostalgic about past relationships because of the intimacy you have with your fuck buddy. If your FWB starts talking about their day instead of ripping off their clothes and plopping down on your bed, you have broken a very important rule.

Remember that your f friend is your f friend. (If they can bring it to bed, that should provide all you need for stress relief.

5. Stay together

Many relationships end. Others evolve and change. The relationship you have with your best friend is one that you will never want to end. They’re great in bed and can be very hot, but you will have to leave the dreamland soon.

You could become attached if you spend more time with one friend than you should. This will only make it worse when they start to feel bored and want someone to take home with you at night. Limit the time you spend together and make sure to part ways within three months.

Sometimes you may think about what it would be like to be with your fuck friend. They may be hot and you may know they are good in bed. But if you get caught up in that trap you will only be hurt when they end things. You shouldn’t be looking for benefits to make a relationship with someone you don’t like.

6. Sexting

While sexting is a good way to warm up before the show it’s not a good idea. They will always want action, so you know that sexting is not a good idea.

A little bit of sexy texting can spice up a relationship. But your FWB doesn’t need any spice when you just do sex together. You’re wasting your time by sexting with your sexy-time friend.

7. You can get along your friends

This is something I don’t see a lot of girls do, but it can be a problem for us guys. If you have to part ways with your friend, don’t try to get along with them or fraternize with their friends. Why?

It’ll cause a lot of trouble among their friends, and it will make things even more awkward if your FWB sees you after you’ve been sleeping with them for the past month and a quarter. You don’t want them to use it to stop you getting more action.

If you and your friend with many benefits decide to separate, be mature and leave their social circle alone. There are plenty of fish in the ocean, my friend.