7 Unexpected Places to Meet Guys

You’ve looked everywhere you can to think you will find the perfect match between Channing Tatum or Zac Efron. Sometimes you just want to have a good time.

It can be difficult to live alone, especially when there are so many happy couples enjoying each others company. You have walked the aisles of the Apple Store, and only found dudes looking at the latest technology.

You can meet real men if you are serious about meeting them. You will find that these men share the same interests and beliefs as you.

It can be overwhelming to think about where and how to begin your search for a man to date.

It is easy to spot a hot man. Sometimes you need to be bold if you want to make a lasting connection. These ideas can help you find places you are most likely to meet new men and spark great conversations.

Your hobby is your hobby.

Start dating single men. This is the best way to begin your search. Start a course to increase your self-confidence, and meet new people. It’s never too late for you to pick a hobby. This is also a great place to meet new men.


Yes, Comic-Con/Star Trek/dork confabs are what I’m referring to. Although it might sound geeky and dorky, many men who participate in these events are smart and decent. It’s refreshing to meet men who are so kind and generous that they can be so happy to help you. They may have other priorities than real-life women. They will treat you with respect unlike most guys, if you are open to getting to know them.


This would seem like a natural choice. However, most women are too busy trying to get that absurd bouquet. While Journey dances on the dance floor, all the men are huddled around the bar. Interrupt them, and you’ll discover that at least one hottie is there because he too is looking for love.

Visit a bookstore.

While many men don’t like it to be admitted, there is nothing more attractive than a smart and educated woman with a creative mind. Even if you’re reading Cosmopolitan magazines, you will be more successful meeting new men at the bookstore than sitting on your couch.

The parties of your friends.

Always go to your friends’ parties. You will have a blast and meet many new people. A girl who is happy to party and has a smile on her face is the most attractive. This will make you a fun friend and others will be attracted to your infectious personality.

Go online.

You can meet new men from your own home if all the other options seem too difficult. You can swipe right or left in your own home while wearing your sweatpants and chillin’ without makeup. Don’t worry, there are many online dating sites and apps that you can visit to set up your profile.

You don’t have to be shy about meeting new men, so make sure you follow these tips for serious charm and game.

Men are people.

Talking to men is not difficult. We just do it differently. This could be due to your beliefs about men. These beliefs are dangerous, my sister. They’re not as scary as you think.

Do not be indifferent

Men hate desperate women. They hate desperate women more than any other thing. Women who aren’t impressed by their wealth or good looks are attractive to men. They treat women as ordinary Joes. Men love a challenge. Do not try to be the best, but do your best to succeed.

Take a deep breath.

This is a strange thing that men often do: They think before they speak. They mull. They mull. It’s strange, I know. Do not be afraid to speak your mind. If you want to really get to know a man then hush. If you let him, he’ll talk.

Touch him.

Gentle, tender touches of a girl are what men have always loved. Research has proven that men will involuntarily show more interest in girls who touch them during a conversation and are more likely to flirt with them. If you want to meet someone tonight, physcial touch will be your best friend. My personal opinion is that touching should be initiated by the man. However, there are many guys who don’t know where they belong in the world. If you want to impress him, and I mean a LOT, then touch him. It’s as easy as that. You’ll quickly notice how much he is interested in you if you touch his forearm, place your hand on his shoulder or anywhere else that would suit casual touches.

Your strategy should include laughter.

Laughter is infectious. One wise man once said that laughter is the best medicine. He was right. It’s difficult for others not to notice you laughing and happy when you are.

Smile, have fun and make eye contact. ‘Nuff said.